Riding Introduction
Historical Election Results in 2008
Voting Results | View Map of Results
Electoral District Profile
The electoral district of Fort McMurray--Athabasca (Alberta) covers an area of 180,320 km2, and has a population of 100,805 with 75,456 registered voters and 179 polling divisions.
The electoral district's boundaries are described as, consisting of that part of the Province of Alberta lying northerly and easterly of a line described as follows: commencing at the intersection of the east boundary of said province with the southerly limit of Lakeland County; thence generally westerly and generally southwesterly along said limit to the south boundary of Tp 65; thence west along the south boundary of Tp 65 to the southerly limit of Lakeland County; thence generally westerly along said limit to the southerly limit of Athabasca County No. 12; thence generally southwesterly and northerly along the southerly and westerly limits of said county to the south boundary of Tp 65; thence west along the south boundary of Tp 65 to the west boundary of R 7 W 5; thence north along the west boundary of R 7 W 5 to the south boundary of Tp 68; thence west along the south boundary of Tp 68 to the west boundary of R 18 W 5; thence north along the west boundary of R 18 W 5 to the north boundary of Tp 80; thence east along the north boundary of Tp 80 to the west boundary of R 13 W 5; thence north along the west boundary of R 13 W 5 to the southerly boundary of Woodland Cree Indian Reserve No. 228; thence generally northerly along the southerly, easterly and northerly boundaries of said Indian reserve to the west boundary of R 13 W 5 (on the most northerly boundary of said Indian reserve); thence north along the west boundary of R 13 W 5 to the north boundary of Tp 88; thence east along the north boundary of Tp 88 to the west boundary of R 6 W 5; thence north along the west boundary of R 6 W 5 to the north boundary of Tp 96; thence east along the north boundary of Tp 96 to the Fifth Meridian; thence north along said meridian to the westerly boundary of Wood Buffalo National Park of Canada; thence northerly, westerly and northerly along said boundary to the north boundary of said province.
- Boundary Map (gif | pdf)
- Poll-by-Poll Results Raw Data (csv)
- Statistics (Statistics Canada | BC Stats)